This post is for Della, who writes:
I would like to tell you about my first quilt I made. I have sewn
since I was 8 years old but had never done a quilt – only clothing for myself
or my kids. So I figured if I knew how to sew I must be able to make a quilt. I
wanted to make a quilt for my husband and my 20th wedding anniversary. So I
bought a book and found a quilt called the “Love knot quilt”. I figured this
would be perfect for an anniversary quilt.
I did not know anyone who quilted so could not ask any advice from
anyone. I did not have a cutter, ruler, or cutting board. The pattern said to
make templates – so I did and cut them out with scissors. I decided on the
colours and bought my material. Once I had all the squares, triangles and
hexagons cut out; I started sewing them together. Eventually I had all the nine
patch squares and snowball squares sewn together. But low and behold, I had
forgotten to add the 1/4 inch seam to the template of the 9 patch squares and
so the 2 squares were different sizes! Since I didn’t have anyone to go to for
advice I put the project aside.
About 5 or 6 years later my husband was working with a fellow
whose wife was a quilter. I brought the project to her and she helped me figure
out how to cut down the triangles on the snowball square so they were the same
size as the 9 patch. Since I had to take all the triangles off the snowball
squares, cut them down, and re-sew them, it took me a while to redo it.
By the time I got the quilt finally sewn together it was ready for
our 30th anniversary! I had a quilter machine stitch the Celtic knot on each of
the snowball squares and do stitch in the ditch for the rest of the quilt. The
quilt has been on our spare bedroom bed ever since.
Thanks for letting me share.
Thanks for sharing your first quilt, Della! It's beautiful. I'm amazed at your dedication - doing all of those snowball blocks twice was a lot of work, I'm sure 😊
Such a sweet quilt. I have had some ten year quilts as well. I'm glad I can finish quilts a lot faster now.