January 21, 2018

Nathan's Monster

On Friday, Vera of Negligent Style shared some monster softies she made, along with the link to the tutorial she used. As soon as I saw them, I knew Nathan would love to have a monster of his own. He has a big teddy bear that he still loves to sleep with, so a big softie would be a hit. Plus, he has been asking me to let him sew something for a while, so this would be the perfect opportunity. I filed it away in the "someday soon" file.

Then, when he was going to bed that same night, he managed to put his foot through his pajamas. He was quite upset because they were new (from Christmas) and he really liked them. Since we needed something for the arms and legs of the monster anyway, I told him we could make something out of the ruined pajama pants and suddenly my Saturday became monster making day 😊

I think I have a very happy boy.
Nathan's monster softie | DevotedQuilter.blogspot.com
The grey fleece we used for the body is one I've had lying around for years. Nathan picked all of the other fabrics himself. He also did most of the work himself, with assistance/guidance from me. He cut apart the ruined pajamas.
Nathan's monster softie | DevotedQuilter.blogspot.com
 Pinned pieces.
Nathan's monster softie | DevotedQuilter.blogspot.com
 Did all of the sewing himself, with my machine set almost all the way to "turtle" speed...
Nathan's monster softie | DevotedQuilter.blogspot.com
and with a little extra help from my Quilter's Planner 😊
Nathan's monster softie | DevotedQuilter.blogspot.com
He also made all the decisions. Arms or no arms? One eye or two? Button or fabric for the pupil of the eye?

Plus, he drew the pieces for the eye and drew the mouth. This is definitely HIS monster.
Nathan's monster softie | DevotedQuilter.blogspot.com
He had a blast stuffing him and was amazed by how much stuffing it took to fill him up.
Nathan's monster softie | DevotedQuilter.blogspot.com
I think he's rather proud of himself 😊
Nathan's monster softie | DevotedQuilter.blogspot.com


  1. What a great project and Nathan did a great job! For a charitable Bat Mitzvah project, I helped a friend's daughter and her pals make monster pillows that were send to a hospital in South Africa. It was a blast and the kids taught me so much in the process! Sadly, I don't have the photos of them, but some had horns, zippered mouths and tongues!! You are giving such a gift to a creative young man! I also love the ability of each child sewer let their imagination can soar when they are in charge of the design! Here's a monster that she made for me as a thank you. It's one of the simpler ones and she sewed it all by herself! https://thatfabricfeeling.wordpress.com/2017/02/19/doll-quilts/

  2. Looks like they are fast friends already. Such a great solution to the pajama problem, too.

  3. That is awesome that he did so much work to make the monster, it turned out wonderfully and I'm glad to see he's so clearly happy with it!

  4. What a great looking monster. Well done, Nathan. Now I want to make one.


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