July 28, 2021
Divided in Dream
July 26, 2021
Fruit of the Spirit -Part 6
While I'm taking my annual summer break from writing new devotions, I'm sharing this series on the fruit of the Spirit, which was originally published in 2016.
At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.
But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.
At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
“No one, sir,” she said.
“Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”
So, let's start with the teachers of the law and the Pharisees. They were the religious leaders of the day. The church people, so to speak. They have caught a women 'in the act of adultery' and have dragged her into the temple courts.
Can you imagine her shame? Her humiliation? Her fear? Surely she knew the Law of Moses, and that it required an adulterer be stoned.
How is it they caught her 'in the act' anyway? And why haven't they dragged her...accomplice...into the temple courts? There are some who think this poor woman was set up, that the man was in on it with the religious leaders who needed someone to use in their attempt to trap Jesus. Lovely, right?
Their treatment of someone caught doing wrong has to be the perfect example of anti-kindness. Unfortunately, modern-day church people can be just as bad. We aren't so likely to throw stones at people, but there's no denying we throw words that do at least as much damage as a stone could. Think about the gossip that swirls when someone has an affair, or when someone's kids are in trouble with the law. People are often more than ready to believe the worst, to spread the story near and far and to separate themselves from those who are being accused. When people need kindness they are often given condemnation and shame instead.
Now consider Jesus' response. The religious leaders are hoping Jesus will condemn this woman just as they have. Instead, without saying a word, He starts to write on the ground with His finger. How I wish we knew what He wrote! Many speculate that He started writing words like 'liar' or 'gossip,' words that would make these self-righteous men realize that they are not perfect either. Obviously, we don't know if that's the case or not.
Whatever He wrote, the crowd kept pushing Him to make a ruling on the woman's fate, so Jesus stood and told them to go ahead and stone her...so long as the one among them who has never sinned is the first to throw a stone. Then He goes back to writing on the ground.
Slowly the crowd disperses. I love that it's the older ones who leave first. Are they the ones who are most aware of their own sins? Are the younger ones still determined to focus on the sins of others rather than their own? Eventually, though, they all slip away, leaving Jesus and the woman alone.
And He, the only one who had the right to throw a stone at her, the only one who could have condemned her, doesn't.
I picture a smile on His face as He looks around where the crowd had stood, then turns to the woman and tells her He doesn't condemn her. I can almost hear the kindness in His voice, can't you?
The next time we're confronted with someone who has done wrong, who will we imitate? The religious leaders and Pharisees, who heaped shame and humiliation on the woman (who assuredly already knew she had done wrong), or Jesus, who refused to condemn her?
July 22, 2021
TGIFF - A Secret Finish
It's time for TGIFF! I have to admit that, since I'm off all summer, it's a little hard to keep track of the days right now, lol. It's always good to celebrate a finish, though, so let's get to it 😊
I do have a just finished quilt top to share today...but I can't actually show you the whole thing yet. I know...Sneak peeks are fun, but not fun at the same time, right?
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!
Click here to enterJuly 21, 2021
EPP Star Ornament - 12 Days of Christmas in July
Hello and welcome to my stop on the 12 Days of Christmas in July blog hop, hosted by Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict. Sarah is doing a quilt along during the hop, plus there are great projects being shared every day, so be sure to check it all out.
If this is your first time visiting me, I'm glad you're here! I'm a quilt pattern designer (see all of my patterns here) and a Christian. I share devotions here every Monday morning (read my most recent one here) and my quilting adventures all the time 😊 Sign up for The Bulletin to get my newsletter, which is filled with news from here, a delicious recipe and fun things to make.
To make your ornament, you'll need:
- fabric scraps. They can be the same fabric or two different fabrics. The best choices will be solids or small prints, since large prints will disappear when cut into these small pieces. That being said, I chose to use the red with white dot circles even though the whole circle design would be lost because I liked the randomness of the white dots when they were cut up.
- small pins
- needle for hand stitching
- thread for basting. This doesn't need to match the fabric, since it will all be hidden on the inside of the finished ornament. I love to use up old bobbins or almost empty spools for basting EPP pieces. Here's how I store thread from nearly empty bobbins.
- diamond template. You can download the template here. Warning: don't try to make a quilt out of these diamonds as they will not lie flat when stitched into stars!
- scissors - both for fabric and paper
- not pictured, because I forgot about them when I took the picture - thread to match your fabric, ribbon for hanging the ornament and stuffing or batting scraps.
Let's get started!
There you have it, one finished EPP star ornament, ready to hang on the tree!
As I said before, there are plenty of great projects being shared as part of the blog hop, so go check them all out and get your Christmas crafting list started early 😊
Joy of Days Filled With Joy
Moira of The Quilted Snail
Jamie of L'Fair Quilts
Bonnie of In Stitches With Bonnie
Joanne of Everyone Deserves a Quilt
Kate of Katie Mae Quilts
Shasta of High Road Quilter
Vicki of Vicki's Crafts and Quilting
Leanne of The Devoted Quilter (that's me!)
Kathy of Kathy's Kwilts and More
Sandra of Musings of a Menopausal Melon
Carole of From My Carolina Home
Joanne of Everyone Deserves a Quilt (Part 2)
Karrin of Karrin's Crazy World
July 19, 2021
Fruit of the Spirit - Part 5
While I'm taking my annual summer break from writing new devotions, I'm sharing this series on the fruit of the Spirit, which was originally published in 2016.
July 15, 2021
Marbles - Summer Scrap Elimination
Hello and welcome to my stop on the Summer Scrap Elimination Challenge! I love sewing with scraps, so when Sheridan asked who would be interested in participating in this challenge, I signed up immediately. A challenge like this is always great motivation to dig into those scraps.
If this is your first time visiting me, I'm glad you're here! I'm a quilt pattern designer (see all of my patterns here) and a Christian. I share devotions here every Monday morning (read my most recent one here) and my quilting adventures all the time 😊 Sign up for The Bulletin to get my newsletter, which is filled with news from here, a delicious recipe and fun things to make.
Late last year I finally sorted all my scraps by colour and it has made it so easy to find what I need! I should have done it years ago, but I was hung up on the idea of needing beautiful baskets to store the separate colours in, but I didn't want to buy them, lol. Finally I decided to use shoe boxes instead, since I had a few of those lying around already, and that allowed me to get the job done. If you haven't yet found the perfect sorting/organizing system, I encourage you to just go for it, even if it's not Pinterest worthy. Being able to easily find the scraps we want makes it so much more likely that we will actually sew something with them!