July 02, 2019

2019 Mid-Year Goal Review

I can't believe we're more than halfway through 2019! In fact, I almost missed the opportunity to do a mid-year review because it didn't even occur to me until today that it was time for it. Let's do a quick check up on where I am with my goals for the year, shall we?

1. Finish the first responder quilts!!

Check, check and double check! Oh, it feels good to be able to say this one is done 😊 You can read all about the big finish here.
first responder quilts | DevotedQuilter.com
2. Participate in the OMG link ups to finish up some WIPs.

Hmmm, well, I started out strong on this one. I linked for the first few months of the year, but then I lost the momentum. That being said, I've mostly been working on deadline quilts the last few months, so that hasn't left a lot of room for those WIPs. Maybe I'll get back to them??

3. Host a QAL 😃

Check! The Medallion Magic QAL is still ongoing and I'd love to have you join in! Here's my Island Batik version made during the QAL. I haven't started quilting it yet, or decided how I'm going to quilt it, but I'm hoping inspiration strikes soon.
Medallion Magic quilt | DevotedQuilter.com
4. Have a table at our local spring craft fair.

Well, I did this one, but it certainly wasn't a rousing success. I sold two patterns during the whole craft fair. Whomp, whomp, whomp. I am undecided about whether I'll try again in a larger craft fair. I've also reached out about possibly having a table at a quilt show, but I don't know if/when that will happen.

5. Get organized!

I think I'll declare this one 'sort of'. I have started using a bulletin board to keep myself on top of things and I do find it helps.
quilting organization | DevotedQuilter.com
I've found space for my patterns and the plastic bags for them, so that's good for now...though as I add more patterns I'll need a larger space. The fabric, notions and tools, on the other hand, are only marginally more organized than they were before the year began. I'm trying to work on decluttering the house over our summer break, so hopefully that will make it possible for me to see options other than the current "shoved wherever I can find room" arrangement. It's still hard to convince myself to work on decluttering when I could be sewing, though.

That's how the year is going for me so far. How about you? Did you set goals for the year? If you did, how are you doing so far?


  1. Well done! I need to get my last borders done for Medallion Magic. I love my bulletin board (thanks for the tip), but I'm starting to think a white board might be easier.

  2. Sounds like a pretty productive year so far! Selling patterns and handmade items at local craft fairs can be a disappointing experience to say the least... But it's a bit scary to think about paying the cost of a booth to take part in a show. I'll be interested to learn what you decide to do. You certainly have a lovely collection of patterns to promote and sell.
    My half year review has found me thinking I need to spend more time on the 'background' things: filing my photos in a proper system on my computer; figuring out Etsy SEO; finishing and publishing patterns. On the positive side I have finished several patchwork projects (I'm not a great finisher) and organised a workshop at a local craft centre :-)

  3. Looks like you are doing well! Good luck with the second half of the year....I do find there is always more organizing in the sewing room, a never ending cause and effect kind of problem!

  4. I like your bulletin board! I desperately need to figure out a good calendar system too! It's a work in progress...


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