January 17, 2024

Moments with Jesus QAL and Devotional Journey

Today's the day!! I am excited to say registration is now open for this year's Easter quilt along and devotional journey! (Stash Artists members, login to your account for a discount code.) This 40 day event is one of my favourite parts of the year, and I've been working on it behind the scenes for months, so it's wonderful that today I finally get to share it all with you.
Moments with Jesus QAL and Devotional Journey | DevotedQuilter.com
As you may have guessed, this year it's called Moments with Jesus. I made a video to tell you all about it, so you can click on the video to watch, or keep reading for all the details. Fair warning, I talk with my hands a lot, lol.

Register here!

The devotional journey consists of 40 daily devotions sent directly to your inbox, beginning on February 14 (that's Ash Wednesday) and continuing until March 30, the day before Easter Sunday. In the devotions, we're going to be looking at the stories of people who interacted with Jesus - people like the disciples, Pilate, the woman at the well, the Pharisees, and the woman caught in adultery. We'll look at each of their stories to see what their moments with Him then can teach us today.

While we're learning from those stories each day, we're also going to be making a beautiful quilt! I've had such a hard time keeping this design secret because I really, really love it. There have been some sneak peeks on social media, but this is the first time I'm sharing the whole quilt top. Allow me to introduce These Three, which is based on 1 Corinthians 13:13, "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." My quilt top is made with beautiful blenders from Northcott Fabrics, along with that gorgeous royal blue Colorworks solid for the background.
These Three quilt pattern | DevotedQuilter.com
Though it's not as frigid here in Newfoundland as some parts of North America lately, the weather still hasn't been conducive to outdoor quilt photography, especially of only a top, so indoor pictures will have to do. To those of you experiencing the crazy cold, I hope you are staying warm and cozy inside.

Once you register, you'll receive an email with the Fabric Requirements PDF so you'll have plenty of time to shop your stash or visit your favourite LQS or online shop before our February 14 start. I can't wait to see what fabrics you choose!
Moments with Jesus QAL and Devotional Journey | DevotedQuilter.com
These Three includes traditional piecing, a little bit of paper piecing, and raw-edge machine applique. If you've never done paper piecing or machine applique, I will have video tutorials included during the QAL to take you step-by-step through those techniques, so this is a wonderful time to learn something new!

This is a relaxed quilt along, suitable for a confident beginner quilter. There's plenty of time for catching up if life gets in the way (something always happens, right?), and there's time included at the end for the assembly of the quilt top. Hopefully by Easter Sunday you'll have a These Three quilt top ready for quilting.
Moments with Jesus QAL and Devotional Journey | DevotedQuilter.com
What if you just don't have the bandwidth for another QAL right now, but you'd still like to prepare for Easter by focusing on stories about Jesus? Don't worry, I've got you covered 😊 You can choose to register for the devotional journey on its own, without the quilt pattern included, and the daily devotions will arrive in your inbox starting on February 14.
Moments with Jesus QAL and Devotional Journey | DevotedQuilter.com
If you'd like to spend the days leading up to Easter focusing on stories about Jesus, while also making a beautiful quilt, join me for Moments with Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful quilt - Love how you can combine both of your passions!


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