September 15, 2024


It's time to turn some WIPs into finishes! The WIPS-B-GONE challenge is back for another year and I can't wait to see the finished projects start to pile up 😊 You can click here to join the challenge.
WIPS-B-GONE challenge |
In case you're not familiar with WIPS-B-GONE, this is my annual challenge to help us finish up lingering works-in-progress so we can free up space (physical and mental) for new things. Those newly finished projects can then be used, displayed, gifted, donated, or sold - any of which is better than sitting unfinished in a cupboard or closet.

There's no set rule for what counts as a WIP - you decide if you're only going to count things that have been started, or if you'll include the projects you've pulled fabric for or even the ones that are only a vague idea right now.

For October and November, work on your WIPs each day and you'll be amazed how much you can accomplish, just like I am every year! To help keep us on track, I have daily trackers you can download once you sign up for the challenge. It is so satisfying to colour in the icon for each day after working on my projects! This year there are 5 daily trackers to choose from, some the same as last year and some different. These daily tracking sheets are probably the most popular part of the challenge, aside from the actual finished projects, of course.
WIPS-B-GONE challenge |
Throughout the challenge, you'll also receive Monday Motivation emails to help, well, motivate you to stick to it and keep making progress. It's easy to lose steam in a challenge that lasts 61 days, so I aim to make the Monday Motivation emails a little boost to keep us in the game and having fun 😊

If you have projects stashed in a cupboard, closet, bag, or drawer and you'd love to see them finished, join us for WIPS-B-GONE 2024!

Join the WIPS-B-GONE challenge here


  1. I am looking forward to participating this year. Thank you Leanne for organizing this again.

  2. Joining! Can not remember if i joined last year but if I did, I completed NOTHING! I just got back from Garden of Quilts and feel rejuvenated. Hope it is the push i need to get back in the studio! Thank you!!!

  3. There's no way I can finish all my WIPs in 60 days, but it will be a start. So I'm joining. Thanks, Gail for posting this.

  4. I found the link to this WIPS B Gone from Quilting Gail--I'm in!

  5. I know you are already a month in, but I just discovered this and want to participate. I may still do 61 days, it will just start and end later than the rest of you.


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