October 07, 2024

The Plan

Devotion for the week...

I've mentioned in a devotion before that we're fans of the show The West Wing. There's one episode where the press secretary, CJ, had to have an emergency root canal, so she can't do the press briefing. Josh takes her place, but Josh doesn't have nearly the same understanding of how to deal with the press, so when they ask if the president has a plan to fight inflation, Josh quips, "24 PHDs on the council of economic advisors, Katie, they have a plan to fight inflation." Of course, that prompts another reporter to ask if the reason he won't tell them about this plan is because it's a secret. Josh, bumbling along sarcastically, says, "Yeah, Danny, we have a secret inflation plan," and the room goes crazy because now all the reporters want to know about this (non-existent) secret plan to fight inflation!

Two weeks ago, that scene was what popped into my head when my pastor shared a message about God's plan, probably because it's what comes to mind whenever anyone talks about a plan 😂 My pastor went in a totally different direction, but I thought about the fact that God did have a plan and it wasn't a secret. In fact, He laid His plan for salvation out clearly for anyone to read about and encourages His people to share it with anyone and everyone.
God did have a plan and it wasn't a secret | DevotedQuilter.com
"For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him" (John 3:16-17). That's the plan. God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins so that anyone who believes can have eternal life. There's nothing secret about it, and no hidden agenda or hurdles we have to clear to be included.

Who shared God's plan for salvation with you? Have you shared it with anyone lately?

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