I've been working steadily on my hexie flowers and I have only 6 left needing the ring of blue hexies.
And this one is actually more than half finished, so really it's 5 and a bit. The blue ones are all sewn onto the flower and some of them are stitched to each other.
I have finished these 8 since the last time I posted about this project.
After the flowers are all ringed in blue, I'll need to stitch the pairs of blue hexagons that will separate the flowers and then I can start assembling them into something resembling a quilt. Whoo Hoo!
I'm wondering about the assembly process. Am I better off stitching the rows of 8 flowers, then sewing the rows to each other, or would it be better to sew the flowers in groups of four and then sew the groups together? Which way will be easiest to handle as the units get larger? As this is my first EPP project, I would love for you to tell me how you would put this together.
My parents arrive from Nova Scotia later today, then Paul and I are running away together for the weekend. How nice it will be to have a change of pace. I'd say I'll get lots of hexies sewn over the rest of Mom and Dad's visit as we'll spend hours chatting after the boys go to bed. Hopefully by the time Hydeeann of Splish Splash Stash hosts the March In Hand EPP party I'll be well on my way with the assembly of this quilt.
Your hexies are beautiful. Please tell me, do you make your own papers, or do you buy pre cut, I am in a dilemma ad to which way to go?
ReplyDeleteLovely! Can't wait to see it all come together!
ReplyDelete(Wish I could help with the order question. I dont do much hand work and have no idea :( )
Looking good Leanne. I think they would be easier to manage in groups of four but that is a guess rather than the voice of experience :)
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing the groups of 4, also, but I'm wondering the same thing about my wheels right now! good luck. hopefully you get more done on your vacation than I did on mine. =)
ReplyDeleteNot that I have much experience but I reckon it is easiest to stitch rows together. that's what I have done with my table runner...this way you got the bulk of your piece on your lap and just deal with the row you are currently sewing together.
ReplyDeleteAnyone is super cute.Less to go.Happy sewing!!
ReplyDeleteThey look great! I don't know the answer though, sorry! I guess whichever way you go, you're still going to end up with a whole quilt at some point :-)