June 30, 2021

2021 Mid-Year Review

We made it to the midpoint of 2021! How are things looking in your corner of the world? Here in Newfoundland our borders will open tomorrow to travelers from anywhere in Canada, with no requirement that they quarantine for 14 days when they arrive. As you can imagine, that required quarantine kept a lot of people away (which was part of the point, for sure), so it's fabulous that our provincial vaccination rate is high enough now that we can now start opening up again. This province relies heavily on tourism and needs those travelers to come back (safely, please!!).

Since we're halfway through the year, it's time to take a look at my 2021 goals and see if I'm halfway through the list 😊

1. Finish my 2020 temperature quilt

Not yet, though I do have all of the blocks finished, finally. Now I'm working on assembling the top. As per usual, though, it has been set aside in favour of projects with deadlines. It is definitely on my mind, but not at the top of the list (despite its place at the top of this list!).
temperature quilt blocks | DevotedQuilter.com

2. Make a sewing machine cover


3. Finish three UFOs

When setting my goals, I named three UFOs that I want to finish: my dragon cross stitch, my Indecisive quilt and my Let it Snow wall hanging. I haven't touched any of them, lol. I did find the wall hanging, though, so that must count for something.

4. 8 more printed patterns

I'm getting there with this one 😊 So far I have three new printed patterns. They are Flower Box...
Flower Box mini quilt pattern | DevotedQuilter.com
Mix it Up mini quilt pattern | DevotedQuilter.com
and Noodles.
Noodles quilt pattern | DevotedQuilter.com
I'm working on the fourth right now and have another planned for late July. There's no shortage of other patterns waiting for me to get to them, so there will certainly be more during the second half of the year.

5. My Easter project

Yes, yes, yes! I had so much fun with the Grace in the Meadow QAL 😊 We made Spring Meadow quilts and I shared devotions every day of Lent and it was wonderful. I will definitely be planning another similar QAL at some point. For the record, I still haven't quilted my applique version of Spring Meadow, though, so it still looks like this:
Spring Meadow quilt | DevotedQuilter.com
And the embroidery version that I started during the QAL is still in pieces, lol. I finished all of the pieced blocks during the QAL, but the embroidery blocks took a lot longer. I am *almost* finished those, so I hope to have both completely finished over the summer. If that happens, I'll be able to release the pattern shortly after 😊
Embroidered Swirl Flower block | DevotedQuilter.com
Well, there has been some progress made, but there's plenty more to be done! Good thing I still have half a year to tackle more of this list! How is your year going so far? Have you made progress on the things you most want to be doing?


  1. I'll have the linkup for the review open tomorrow. ;) I'm glad that vaccination rates are high enough there for changes to start to slowly come. And I hope that you have fun working toward the remainder of your goals in the rest of the year.

  2. How nice for you to have set goals, and now are holding yourself accountable. I've probably said this before, but goal-setting and progress-marking just don't work for me. Mostly because I'm retired, so I can pretty much sew whenever I wish, and also because I dislike the way I feel when I don't achieve what I've set out to do. Guilt weighs heavily and uneasily. So, I sew when I can, and what I can. I say this knowing full well that few others have the same perspective as me. But that's just fine. I'm truly glad this works for you, and that you've made some lovely things. Keep up the great work! And enjoy getting out again more freely.

  3. You did very well in the strange year we are having. This year I didn't set goals, but do it monthly and its working fine for 2021! Glad things are picking up with vaccination rates and changes are happening. It does feel good as we work through reintegrating with friends and family.

  4. You have some great finishes and works in progress for 2021. Hope the second half of the year is even better on the goals front.

  5. I love your goal progress report. Goals really drive me too. You have beautiful projects and beautiful designs. Your temperature quilt will be absolutely gorgeous!!!

  6. Some finishes, some progress, some open projects. I think that is a good result for the half way point :) Good luck with the rest of the goals! xo Melanie

  7. I love your round temperature quilt blocks. Good luck with all your goals!

  8. Wow, you have been really busy. So many colorful and pretty quilts. Looking forward to seeing your temperature quilt all finished.


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