January 31, 2025

My First Quilt with Carolina Moore

It's the last Friday of the month, which means it's time for a My First Quilt interview! It has been a couple of months, but this month we're back on schedule and Carolina Moore is sharing the story of her first quilt with us. 
My First Quilt with Carolina Moore | DevotedQuilter.com
Carolina is a quilt pattern designer, author, award winning quilter, and notion inventor living in San Diego, California. She is also an Art Gallery Fabrics Sewlebrity, Accuquilt die designer, and Baby Lock ambassador.

You can connect with Carolina at her blog, her shop, and her Youtube channel.

And now, here's Carolina's first quilt!
My First Quilt with Carolina Moore | DevotedQuilter.com

What year did you make your first quilt? What prompted you to make it?

1992. I was 12, and I went to a kids' quilting class at Quilt in a Day. I always liked sewing, and my mom did a lot of garment sewing (in addition to some quilting), so she signed me up for the class as a Birthday gift. On the very first day, I cut my finger with a rotary cutter. Eleanor Burns sat with me as we waited for my aunt to pick me up and take me to the doctor for stitches. I like to say that Quilting got into my blood that day!

What techniques were used in that first quilt? Did you quilt it yourself?

It was a Log Cabin Quilt, and it was tied, not quilted.

Are the colours you chose for your first quilt ones you would still choose today?

Not too far off. It was grey/black and white, with a red center. I still like the colors.

Did you fall in love with quilting right away? Or was there a gap between making the first quilt and the next one?

I was still young, so I dabbled a lot in other hobbies - jewelry making (beading), cake decorating, and of course I was in school. In my 20s, I made a lot of baby quilts for friends, and some quilts for charity auctions. It wasn't until after I had my first child and started working at a local quilt shop that I looked at quilting as a career.

Where is the quilt now?

In the hope chest that is in the garage. We live in a small house - San Diego is expensive! There isn't a lot of storage space, or space for furniture in the house.

Is there anything you wish you could go back and tell yourself as you made that first quilt?

Great question! I might whisper in that little girl's ear "You'll be back one day!" Because years later, I got to present my Accuquilt Die to the Accuquilt Club at Quilt in a Day, with Eleanor Burns herself!

Anything else you want to share about your first quilt?

I finished the quilt, brought it home, and held it up proudly for my family to see. My older brother looked at it and said, "Isn't that part wrong?" Sure enough, I'd rotated one block 90 degrees the wrong way! I was so upset. But in the end, I left it. The quilt is just as warm, just as snugly. Letting it stay finished was the best choice.

Thanks for sharing your first quilt with us, Carolina! I'm glad you stuck with quilting, even after getting injured your very first day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this story. Bravery! Being ready to take fabrics and make it into your own dream.


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