January 13, 2025

No Appointment Needed

Devotion for the week...

I have an appointment this week to see a nurse practitioner about a few minor things. That may not sound noteworthy, but considering how difficult it is to get medical appointments in Newfoundland these days, it's worth celebrating. I made the appointment near the beginning of December, after trying for weeks, and was only able to get it because another teacher told Paul that she had just booked one, so he massaged me, saying, "Call now."

Contrast that with how easy it is to talk to God about the things on my mind. When Jesus died on the cross, "the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom" (Matthew 27:51), signifying that the way was open. There's nothing separating us from God anymore. No curtain, no ritual we have to follow, no gatekeeper to block the way. We have free access to meet with Him whenever we want.

Hebrews 10:19 says, "And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus." When I go to my appointment this week, I'll sit in the waiting room until they call my name and usher me back to the exam room. But when we go to the house of a close friend or family member, we just walk right in and call out, "Hello?!" That's entering boldly! That's what we can do when we want to talk to God. We don't stand outside, shuffling our feet and wondering if anyone is home. We just walk right in because we know not only is He 'home,' but He also wants to see us.

And 1 Thessalonians 5:15 says, "Never stop praying." Never stop. We don't have to wait our turn, or make an appointment for a 15 minute window 6 weeks from now. We can talk to God every minute of every day. In fact, that's exactly what He wants us to do!
We can talk to God every minute of every day | DevotedQuilter.com
We don't need an appointment and we can just walk right in to talk with Him, so what's on your mind that you can talk to Him about today?


  1. I love your message, so very true we don't need an appointment to talk with God. I'm grateful to find an online devotional to start my day. The hexagon quilt displayed is also inspiring.

  2. I have days when prayer happens at very specific times, and other days when it seems like I need to pray every time I turn around.... It's SO good to know that God is always there, always listening.


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