Last quarter I set what I thought was a reasonable list of goals, with only three projects, all of which I expected to finish. Ha! Two of those projects will be making an appearance on this list as well. So, since a reasonable list didn't actually mean I finished everything I set out to finish, I figure this time around I may as well make an unreasonable list and hope for the best. I almost can't do worse than I did in Quarter 3!
Here goes!
1. The wedding quilt.
Yep, again. I love this quilt, but I keep leaving it to work on other projects that can be finished more quickly. Yes, I realize that if I stopped leaving this one it would be finished much more quickly than it will be if I keep leaving it to do other things, but I've never claimed to be overly logical. However, progress has been made! At the start of Quarter 3 I was still working on the straight-line quilting, which is now finished. I have divided the fmq into three sections based on the colours I'll be working in. One of those sections is now finished and the second is well underway. I have a plan for the third, which is actually the bulk of the quilt, and I hope to be working on that section before the week is out.
2. The Skinny Mini Friendship Galaxy quilt made out of the test blocks I made while drafting the pattern for the baby quilt. That baby quilt was my only finish last quarter and, interestingly enough, was also the only project not actually started when I made my list! I have cut the backing for the Skinny Mini, so I wouldn't accidentally use it for something else, but that's as far as I got.
3. The annual cross-stitched Christmas ornaments for the boys. I know what I want to make for two of the three boys, so I need to figure out the third and then actually spend the time stitching and get it done.
4. A project for Make Modern magazine. This one has a rather firm deadline of November 15th, so it will be on the list of finishes for sure. The top is finished so I need to make a backing, then get it quilted and bound, then write up the pattern.
5. A new Flower Box quilt.
I have the cushion I made for Make Modern magazine, but I want to make a wall hanging size quilt out of 9 blocks. So far I have one block made so there's lots of work left to be done :)
Well, try as I might, that's all the current projects I can think of right now, so I guess that's all I can put on my list. Let's see how I do this quarter!
Good luck with your goals.